The first great smartphone of 2015. Beautiful and bold..with complications. The new no-compromise MacBook. A stellar on-ear headphone. Crave-worthy curves for a premium price. The Good The Moto G5 costs little, but packs a full-HD screen, good cameras and enough power for your everyday essentials. The Bad The dim screen can be difficult to read under bright lights and you'll need to be careful if you want to get a whole day out of the battery. The Bottom Line The Moto G5 is the phone to get if you want an everyday phone for as little possible, but if you want higher-end features like NFC then go for the G5 Plus.
One of the best tricks, though, is that it stores the mixed as well as raw video assets as a project file (probably MXF), which you can directly import into Premiere, The SlingStudio hub measures a comparatively tiny 7.8 by 5.6 by 3.5 inches (200 by 142 by 90 mm) and weighs only 1.4 lbs (649 g), That's because the console controls have been offloaded to an iPad app, which lets you monitor 4 video sources and switch among 10, as well as a single audio line-in source, That small size also reflects the lack of a battery -- in its base configuration, the SlingStudio needs to be grid simple line black minimalist iphone case plugged in, The optional battery base runs for about 3 hours, which means you might need several of those, depending on the event, The CameraLink has an internal battery which is rated to last about 2 hours..
Sling plans to ship it in May (directly and through B&H). Prices are as follows. You can see how the cost can add up quickly, but you're paying for convenience, flexibility and ease of use. It's also completely firmware upgradable, so it won't obsolesce too quickly. Plus, unless it tanks, I expect more accessories. And it would be neat if you could form a Mesh with multiple devices to cover more area. For now, the console is iPad-only as well. One big drawback is the inability to work with some devices -- such as action cameras -- they have to be directly connected since there's no way to attach a CameraLink (and you wouldn't want to).
The box is essentially a specialized wireless access point (and looks like one) which manages a private, video-optimized network that uses the Wi-Fi transmitters in devices like phones and can connect wirelessly to up to 10 devices as far as 300-400 feet (90-120 meters) away, It uses a built-in dual-band grid simple line black minimalist iphone case Wi-Fi transmitter to stream from the box over the internet, initially to Facebook Live and YouTube, You can also connect one camera physically to its HDMI port, Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic, We delete comments that violate our policy, which we encourage you to read, Discussion threads can be closed at any time at our discretion..
Robots were used to drop, slide, tumble and dunk the devices, and the results saw the sleek, glass form of the Galaxy S8 crack up under the pressure, literally. Cracks appeared after the very first face-down drop, with pieces of glass missing from the corners of the S8. The S8's all-glass body also suffered cracks and dangerous breakage when the phone was dropped on its side and back. There was some good news, with the water-resistant phones living up to their billing after taking a dip. Additionally, SquareTrade found that repairs on the S8 and S8 Plus are difficult but possible.